Sunday, May 15, 2016


Jakob: "Did you order my books yet?"

{ordered from Scholastic Books online}

Me: "Yes I did.  I think it takes a couple weeks to get them."

Jakob: "What?  Are a bunch of old people making them?"

Me: {erhmergerh...disrespectful yet hilarious..what should I say}


row, row, row your...shovel?

sweet conversation on Sunday morning

K to J&J: "You guys remember you are spending next weekend at Grandpa & Rosie's, right?"

James: "YES!  I love her!"

Jakob: "Who?"

James: "Rosie!"

Jakob: " Ya!  We have three grandmas!"


and of course the self portrait

sans torso

one of my favorites

james loves footprints!

Friday, May 13, 2016


Jakob's treasure chest prize for staying on green four days in a row.  (strategically placed...on my trunk?)

my mother's day gift

Now I just need to get a manicure!