Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All I want for Christmas...

Leading up to Christmas, we knew Jakob would love a train set. He pretended with blocks, played with them at school, and constantly talked about them. We bought this set at IKEA in early December and couldn't wait to give it to him.

On Christmas eve, in eager anticipation to put together the scene for the morning, right before we put Jakob to bed we asked him, "What do you want for Christmas? What is Santa Claus going to bring you!?" We were very confident in the expected answer. Jakob said with a definitive tone,


1 comment:

  1. Love the train set. We got Aidan the same set for his 1st birthday, a little too early for him to appreciate it. He's getting there now, though. Just got a Thomas set for Christmas. So fun. Merry Christmas, Jakob!
